Monday, January 30, 2012


Hike to a frozen waterfall. A foot or so of snow. Ring left in truck. Snow angel. Snowball fight. Hike back down. Got ring. Walk to frozen lake. Ring on finger. Excited for this new chapter!

Hyalite Area

 Palisade Falls

Snow angel

Snowball (Kind of) 

The overall feeling : )

Mountains all around

"Sure why not, love"

Monday, January 23, 2012

"On the road again" - to Montana!!!

 Nevada Moon!

 Idaho Snow, Reynolds Pass

 Big Sky!!!

 Boz-town, right next to the new house. Trails!!!

Temporary Home 





 *from entry, into "living room"*

basement windows into "living room"

Having fun making a home here! It finally started snowing today (but who knows if it will stick around) the last "snow storm" blew away the next day...and or melted. So think thoughts of snow! 

Yosemite to Joshua Tree