Saturday, September 14, 2013

A summer in California

So the summer is pretty much done now. We had our grand adventure driving to California with a three month old (and driving back to MT with a five month old!) CC was a road warrior! We crossed our fingers and thought positively the whole way...and it worked! 17 hours both ways in a car totally warrants a few melt downs, we as adults almost lost it a couple times. But our kid only got fussy when really tired, and then was easy to get to sleep and slept for some good stretches of road. Granted it's not the drive 'til we need gas, let's just get there type of driving, but he definitely is our kid...a little nomad! I'd say all in all he was fussy for maybe 6 hours total of the 34 hours of driving...we even let him cry himself to sleep once thinking it would be torture for us to listen to him, and 15 minutes (of torture) later he was asleep!

our little "truck-traveling" man!

What a fantastic trip!! A week on Lake Tahoe with all my (husband's) family for the 4th of July! At the "Fahrm" for preparations for our big party. Visiting with friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, parents/grandparents to CC, and one very proud Great Nanea!! I'm so happy he is going to know one of the greats! What else?....Weddings! Parties! Oh, I'm forgetting so much it was such a packed full summer!! OUR wedding celebration party!! Best day ever!! Anyways, it's nice to be home now, but trips back to California...THE OCEAN!!...always make me realize how hard it is living so far away from family! Especially now that there is a baby involved! Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this summer happen!!

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